
Arts & Culture

Museum of Art and Design (MOAD) at Miami Dade College

John Copeland, the GMCVB's Director of Cultural Tourism shares his visit to MOAD.

Constructed Color, an exhibition by Loriel Beltrán, the Miami-based Venezuelan American artist and alumnus of the New World School of the Arts at MDC, features recent paintings. Affixing slabs of layered paint, sliced from blocks hardened in boxlike molds, to panels, the artist creates innovative abstract works of dazzling opticality and metaphorical density.

In this video, filmed at MDC's Kendall Campus, Rafael Domenech speaks about Estuary [Pavilion for MOAD], a work that functions on multiple levels—as a public sculpture, a reflection on the written word, a platform for live performances and public gatherings, and a meditative environment. Estuary is made from everyday construction materials, such as aluminum framing, and can mutate into a variety of distinct spatial configurations. Large panels or “pages” of construction mesh feature laser-cut texts that will change throughout the duration of the project.
