
Spa & Wellness

General Amenities

Free Wifi

Smoke-Free Property



Partner has self-reported the following sustainability efforts. Please contact them directly for details.

Most lighting uses energy-efficient bulbs


Partner has self-reported the following accessibility efforts. Please contact them directly for details.

30-Inch Wide Doorways

Accessible parking

Accessible Restrooms

Elevators with Min. 36" Opening:

  • Automatic Doors

Flat Path to Entrance

Ramp access from parking lot to sidewalk

Main Entrance/Lobby Features:

  • Automatic Doors

Tactile Signage

Accessible Restrooms & Changing Facilities

Hydraulic Treatment Beds/Height Adjustable Chairs

Pool or Hot Tub Hoists

Roll-In Showers/Saunas and Shower Chairs

Wheelchair Accessible Treatment Rooms