Halloween Half Marathon
Oct 26, 2025
Starting: 6:30 AM
The Miami Beach Halloween Half Marathon, Freaky 4-Miler & Trick or Treat Kids Dash is a costume and Halloween themed event that adds a unique twist to the traditional running event. This event celebrates all things Halloween!
We encourage our participants to come dressed in the costume of your choice! Each year most of the runners & walkers tackle the 13.1 or 4 mile courses decked out in full costume! Some of the more popular costume category themes that we have seen include Superheros, Villans, Funny, Scary, body paint, animals, etc. If you are new to running or prefer walking, then the Freaky 4-Miler is perfect for you!
Start Times:
Half Marathon: 6:30am
Freaky 4-Miler: 6:45am
Trick or Treat Kids Dash: 10:00am
Start Line for both distances: 7th St. & Ocean Dr., Miami Beach, FL 33139
Finish Line for both distances: 7th St. & Ocean Dr., Miami Beach, FL 33139
Parking: It is recommended that people carpool if possible. Below is a link to a map of parking in Miami Beach
Award Times: Awards in Finish Village
Freaky 4 Miler Awards: 8:15 AM – Awards in finish village
Half Marathon Awards: 9:30 AM – Awards in finish village